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What do aerialists and maxi pads have in common?

QC Femme Fest

You know that feeling, when you're waaaaay up high on your apparatus, you're shaking and scared, your muscles and brain are exhausted, you're wondering why the hell you're up here to begin with, and you're sweaty......soooo sweaty. Everything aside you get set up, and you do it. You rise above your tired body and brain. You drop. You reach a little further than you thought you could. You reach to your ceiling, and you discover your power.

It is in that one moment that we make a shift within ourselves. A choice. The decision to be better, to want better. You may not even know you are doing it, but it is happening! Week after week we face that fear, and continue to transform.

QC FEMME FEST embodies just that! We are bringing together female business owners, artists, activists, entrepreneurs & members of our community to facilitate women coming together to celebrate & empower one another. With no spirit of competition. No disrespect. No egos, no hatred & no hidden agenda - QC Femme Fest is a celebration of the women in our community. A place to be edified, encouraged & engaged.

Our goal is to support all women regardless of their craft. We believe in honoring the strength & courage required to create an empire all your own, the way you see fit. We understand the difficulties we as females must overcome & hope to inspire & encourage others to be bold, take the lead & live fearlessly!!

Aerial CLT is making QC FEMME FEST the official AerialCLT spring charity drive for March-June.. We will be collecting maxi pads, tampons, menstrual cups for the following charities:

  • FLOCLT: provides the necessary feminine hygiene products to homeless women and teens, as well as CMS school systems.

  • QCFF Scholarship: It's the first year of our very own scholarship, which will be gifted to a future female leader of our community early in 2019.


Learn more about QC Femme Fest HERE


QC Femme Fest will take place on April 23rd from 5-10P. In addition to whatever cash donation you are able to contribute to our cause, we sincerely hope that you will join us the day of. There is a team of 7 putting on the event, 3 of which are long time Aerial CLT students. For us, you all are our community. You are important to us. Lets come together to show our support & love for one another!

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